
AI in Business: Ethical Considerations

Around 77% of all companies use or are exploring the use of artificial intelligence (AI), according to a recent IBM survey. AI tools can help companies boost efficiency, reduce expenses, and increase productivity. In healthcare, AI can find patterns in patient data to help clinicians develop customized care plans. In finance, AI can detect fraudulent activities to protect banks and customers. In transportation, AI can improve traffic flow and reduce congestion. And the list goes on. Though AI innovations can deliver many exciting results, business professionals should consider AI ethical concerns alongside the technology’s potential benefits. Earning an advanced degree […]

The Role of Motivation in Employee Retention

Taylor is late to work every day, calls in sick once a week, and feels unheard and unappreciated. At the same company, Hayden volunteers ideas at team meetings, goes the extra mile for clients, and feels part of a meaningful mission. Hayden is engaged and motivated, and is therefore more likely than Taylor to work hard, stay with the company, and champion it to others. Lack of engagement and motivation, like Taylor’s, typically leads to high employee turnover, which costs companies time, money, and talent. On the other hand, strong engagement and motivation, like Hayden’s, leads to high employee retention. […]

IT vs. OT: Differences and Similarities

Technology has transformed nearly every aspect of our society — everyday communications, how and where we work, and the way products are made. In the digital age, developing and implementing technology has become a top priority for businesses of all sizes in the private, public, and nonprofit sectors. For example, as of 2021, an estimated 90% of companies used some type of cloud service. This trend of maximizing technology is expected to continue for the foreseeable future across nearly every kind of organization and industry. Today, interest in information technology (IT) and operational technology (OT) is growing. Both fields are helping businesses […]

How to Communicate Effectively in the Hybrid Workplace

Organizations that previously relied on traditional communication methods must adapt to support both virtual and on-site collaboration. Innovative companies are using communication strategies that are more effective in remote and blended work environments. Now more than ever, business leaders need to understand the importance of strategic communication and hire graduates with expertise in hybrid workplace communication. How Do Employers Communicate Effectively in the Hybrid Workplace? With so many companies switching to hybrid work models, organizations are becoming more strategic about their communication tactics. Experts say that merely calling for “more communication” falls short in organizations that struggle to understand the underlying challenges […]

Opportunity Gap in Higher Education

The opportunity gap in education refers to the way that capable students become derailed from their educational pathways through factors outside of their control. In addition to forces outside the school system itself — such as student socioeconomic barriers and family turmoil — higher education routinely fails students who, if given the right support, would have the ability to attain the educational and career achievements they aspire to. Maryville University President Dr. Mark Lombardi views higher education as an industry in crisis — but also as one ready for an “access and opportunity revolution.” Universities need to do more to […]

Data Analytics in Higher Education

In a university setting, data analytics is a largely untapped source of value for students, professors, and companies looking to hire and train graduates. Given its immense potential, data analytics in higher education plays a central role in the vision of creating a student-centered learning environment at Maryville University. The term “data analytics” is suddenly everywhere, but what does it mean? And why is it crucial for student-centered universities to embrace it? Data analytics is an expertise dedicated to examining data to find trends and draw insights. It’s an emerging field capable of revolutionizing healthcare, business, and even higher education […]

What Are Soulbound Tokens?

While the idea of a digital currency may seem simple, “crypto” and the blockchain infrastructure are about more than digital dollars. A digital currency is built on a network dispersed over many computers on a digital registry known as a blockchain. Like blockchain-based currencies, nonfungible tokens (NFTs) are entries onto the blockchain that act as representations of a physical or digital asset. Each NFT has a unique identification, making it unable to be replicated. Cryptocurrencies are now commonly used to pay for goods and services. Similarly, ownership of an NFT, even if it represents a replicable digital item such as a video or […]

NSCA Exam Prep Tips

Students interested in pursuing a career in athletics should look into the benefits of higher education in exercise science and NSCA certification. In addition to improving students’ postgraduation job prospects, certification demonstrates that an individual possesses advanced knowledge and expertise in the field. Below are tips that students can use to prepare for an NSCA exam, as well as information on how Maryville University helps its students gain NSCA certification. What Is the NSCA? The National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) is a nonprofit organization that was founded in 1978 with the purpose of advancing sports science, and strength and conditioning professions. […]

What Is the Gig Economy, and Who Are Its Workers?

The gig economy comprises a broad swath of the American population. From food delivery drivers to web designers — and a wide variety of workers in between — the gig economy included nearly 65 million people in the United States in 2022, according to job platform MBO Partners. And the popularity of working in the gig economy shows no signs of slowing. Projections indicate that by 2028, freelancers who perform gig work will total 90 million and account for more than half of the U.S. workforce, Statista reports. But what is the gig economy? It’s a system in which, instead […]

How to Boost Employee Morale

Employee attrition rates climb when morale is low and leaves many companies wondering how to boost employee morale. Experts say that effective communication between employers and employees is one of the most important tools for boosting morale, which in turn improves productivity and employee job satisfaction. Effective leaders need to have a strong background and experience in strategic communication to promote these changes in their organizations. What Is Employee Morale, and Why Is It Important? Employee morale refers to the motivation of a group of workers to reliably pursue shared goals. Employees with high morale have an upbeat attitude at […]